Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One Last Chance

So many things I want to tell you
All the thoughts keep somersaulting through my head
I don’t know how to articulate them all very clearly
So I’ll write them here, and hopefully you’ll understand everything I’ve said

I want you to know that to me
Love is a strong word
Not many people get to hear it
But I knew once I said it to you, it was going to be the most honest thing
You had ever heard

I may have tried to move on
Tried to pursue a love like yours with other men
But the more I looked
I realized that I love you just as much now as I did then

I want to know
If what we have is real
Or if I should stop entertaining the idea
That you’re ready to seal the deal

I want a man by my side
A partner in crime
If I can’t count on you to be there for me
Then I’m afraid we’ve run out of time

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